That night as Ellen White slept, a dream was given to her in which she observed a small company who had assembled for a religious meeting. The Lord appeared to them as a church visitor and spoke to them with love and tenderness. The next day, Sabbath, May 28, she wrote out this remarkable revelation, which obviously applied to the Vohwinkel company:
"Last night I dreamed that a small company were
assembled together to have a religious meeting. There was one
who came in and seated himself in a dark corner where he
would attract little observation. There was not a spirit of
freedom. The spirit of the Lord was bound. Some remarks
were made by the elder of the church and he seemed to be
trying to hurt someone. I saw a sadness upon the
countenance of the stranger. It became apparent that there was not
the love of Jesus in the hearts of those who claimed to
believe the truth and there was, as the sure result, an absence
of the Spirit of Christ and a great want both in thoughts and
feelings of love for God and for one another. The
assembling together had not been refreshing to any one.
The Stranger Addresses the People
"As the meeting was about to close, the stranger arose
and with a voice that was full of sorrow and of tears, he told
them that they had a great want in their own souls, and in
their own experience, of the love of Jesus which was present
in large measure in every heart where Christ took up His
abode. Every heart renewed by the Spirit of God would not
only love God but love his brother, and if that brother made
mistakes, if he erred, he must be dealt with after the gospel
plan. Every step must be followed according to the
directions given in the word of God. . . . The stranger continued
by asking several questions:
"You seem willing to wound and bruise the hearts of one
another. Is this the pattern Jesus has given you? Where is
His manner of dealing? Do you find yourselves sustained in
having so little love and forbearance, so little patience for
your brethren? Have you forgotten the words of Christ, 'A
new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another
as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall
all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to
another? [John 13:34, 35] 'He that hath my commandments,
and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth
me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will
manifest myself to him.' [John 14:21]
"You are not cultivating love to God or love to your
brethren. Be careful how you treat the purchase of the blood
of Christ. There will be need of plain and faithful reproving
of evil works, but let the one who takes this work upon him
know that he is not separated from Christ by evil works
himself. He must be spiritual and restore such an one in the
spirit of meekness. Unless he has this spirit he has no duty
to reprove or to correct his brothers, for he would create
two evils in the place of curing one. . . .
"That which distinguishes the character and conduct of
Christians from all others is the principle of holy,
Christlike love, which works in the heart with its purifying
influence. The true Christian will work the works of Christ in
giving expression in deeds of love one to another. With this
living, abiding, working principle in life and in character
no one can resemble the world. If you know the character
and works of Christ you will know the disposition and
conduct of Christians. Christ hated evil so much that sin and
evil met a strong rebuke from His lips and from His example.
While He hated sin He loved the sinner. . . .
"How much greater strength you might have had as sons
and daughters of God if you had loved God supremely and
your neighbor as you love yourself. How much higher
ground you might stand upon if you had been following
on to know more and more of the truth and gathering more
and more divine light to shine forth in good works to all
around you.
"Your works are not pleasing to God but pleasing to the
enemy. You have lessons to learn in the school of Christ
before you will be fitted for heaven. Your self, your ways,
your sharp traits of character make you unskillful in dealing
with minds and hearts. . . . If you allow yourselves to be
dictatorial, accusing, and judging your brethren, and with
unsanctified hearts and unholy tempers seeking to mend
their wrongs, you do unskillful work and drive souls away
from the service of Christ. . . .
"You must take hold of God with one hand while with
the other hand, in love, you lay hold upon the erring and
the sinner and draw them to Jesus. Pray with them, weep
with them, feel for their souls, love them, and never let go
of them. This is the love Jesus has expressed for you. You
must ever strive for unity and forbearance and love. Never
draw apart, but press together, binding heart to heart and
making supplications in the Spirit. Then the power of God
will work in your midst and many souls will be brought to
the truth through your influence."--Manuscript 32, 1887. {EGWE 276.2}
All of this seemed as real to Ellen White in her dream as if she had seen and heard the stranger in person. But who was he? The tone of his voice, his words and manner, seemed familiar. She continued:
"He was again seated and the sun, which had been
hidden, beamed forth and shone full upon his person. What
a revelation! All knew in a moment who had been speaking
to them. They said one to another: 'It is Jesus; it is Jesus!'
and then such confessions of sins as were made and
confessions to one another. There was weeping, for the hearts
seemed to be broken, and then there was rejoicing and the
room was filled with the mellow light of heaven. The musical
voice of Jesus said, 'Peace be with you.' And His peace was."
-Ibid. {EGWE 278.1}
EGW in this vision was giving the direct quote of Jesus Christ speaking to the group - I emphasised His words in RED,
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